Software development since 2012

Product information

Grab Demo Login

About project

MR Food can start your own food delivery business in minutes. Multiple roles are ready in this demo.

You as administrator will be able to register restaurants, add drivers and assign orders to drivers. View powerful analytics for how much orders has been made.

Restaurant Owner:
Will receive orders for their restaurant both by mail and in the system. They will be able to accept/reject the order. Also, there will be able to manage their restaurant, categories, items, etc.. Each restaurant gets a subdomain.

Drivers are your employees. You can register them in the system. And soon as order is accepted from the restaurant, you will be able to assign to them. Drivers will deliver the order and change the status to delivered. Soon, mobile app for them.

Your customers are the ones who make orders to the restaurant. They can register, put their address and make an order from the restaurant they like.